Thursday, October 30, 2008


Halloween Night To Do List: Candy in the big bowl by the door - check. Porchlight on - check. Spooky music in the background - wait...what to play!?! Well, here's a fun Halloween compilation I found on YouTube, to give you some ideas, and get everybody get in the spirit (pun intended) of things. What do you bet there's going to be a lot of little Palins and Obamas out there this year?

DISCLAIMER: This video is labeled Top 10 Halloween songs, but does not necessarily represent the picks of Papa Do Run.

Video by YT member yankee0412
Candy corn photo from Wikimedia Commons

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The most under-rated of all candies. It's funny how you don't see it in different colors during different holidays. There must be a history lesson wrapped inside kandy corn!