Thursday, January 15, 2009


In the previous post, we got started on our path to improvement in the New Year with the Hokey Pokey. Well, now that we’ve mastered that, I can tell you it was just the warm-up. We now move on to the cardio portion of our program. We all remember Gary U.S. Bonds for his great NOLA-based hits, “New Orleans” “Take Me Back to New Orleans.” and his smash hit “Quarter to Three.” He had another big hit with a song (that owed much of it’s success to Chubby Checker’s blockbuster dance craze) called the “Dear Lady Twist.” So come on, kiddies – get up off from your chair and let me see you workin' it. Go for the burn!!

Video by YT member JBauder1948
Photo at


TomC said...

Hey Deborah! If you haven't seen this yet, go to Just for kicks, type in "Ingman" under artist and listen to "Apache"... remember?! Dorsey Burnette's "Hey Little One" will come up a few songs later with great clarity. Mighty fine stuff.

Elizabeth said...

This is my vintage.
Let's twist again
like we did last summer
somehow my hair would not bouffant
coo post

Elizabeth said...

I meant COOL post

Deborah Godin said...

@Kat - it's appeal is universal I'm sure!

@ TomC - thanks for the radio link, it looks like another good resource. I did a test to see just how obscure it could be - they had Skip and Flip, but no Rosie and the Originals, and no Nolan Strong.

@Elizabeth - the secret was using industrial strength hairspray!

AphotoAday said...

I'm an old fart, so I can remember when American Bandstand first came on the air...   I had never seen people dance like that and I really couldn't figure out what was going on...

But, yep, I CAN do the Twist...   It's the only dance I know... (no wonder I'm still a bachelor)

Deborah Godin said...

@ AphotoAday - that is impressive! I only got acquainted with Bandstand about 1958-59. Keep on Twistin'!!

TomC said...

Ohhh... you are right! No Rosie and the Originals... that sort of puts them at a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10. I will check on them again and see if they catch up, otherwise its curtains.

Deborah Godin said...

@ TomC

Oh I don't think it's a bad site at all! I noticed the surf music channel there is quite good. I just have a particular thing for the more obscure tunes and the OHWs (one hit wonders) so I like to check for them. I'm glad to have this link - feel free to pass along anything cool you come across!