We’ve had a real strange winter around these parts. There’s been a revolving door of snow and sleet, flurries and pellets, thunder and lightning, huge winds, and rain. A surprising amount of rain. The other evening while it poured, the power went off. Fortunately we were only without for a short while, but still, it was long enough for me to get out the matches and set up the candles. The next morning I was about to put the candles away when the radio played that gospel-infused oldie by Melanie, “Lay Down (Candles in the Rain).” Some of you will no doubt recall that she wrote that one as the result of performing at Woodstock back in 1969. I wasn’t there, but the story goes that Melanie took the stage at night, after the Big Rain, and as she looked out she saw all the people holding up their candles (and undoubtedly some lighters, too) she was inspired to write this song. And what a great song it is. It’s my favorite song about Woodstock; I like it even better than Joni Mitchell’s eponymous hit, “Woodstock.” And I thought it was kind of a nice little synchronicity that I heard it on the radio right after I had lit my own candles against the rain and the dark just a few hours before. The images in the accompanying video are kind of blurry, but it’s the only one I found with actual footage of Melanie and the choir together - plus the sound is good. And don’t miss the camera shots of the audience during the last two minutes or so of jamming. Not exactly the kind of fans you’d expect to see, but you gotta give ‘em credit for getting down with the sound…
And so, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for Melanie and The Edwin Hawkins Singers… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz9sjMGUM9k
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